Copenhagen e o escrutínio público da ciência


  • Raimundo Henriques


Copenhagen, Frayn, procrustean distortion, scrutiny of science


Despite the fact that it is a play, Copenhagen (Frayn [1998] 2000) caused an intense public debate about its historical and scientific reliability.
The aim of this essay is to show that the purpose of the play (whether or not it coincides with the author’s) is, precisely, that of promoting a public discussion on scientific practice. The necessity of a public scrutiny of science is put forth through the relations established between the characters and what they represent. The literary tools used, in turn, materialize that scrutiny, inviting those who read or watch Copenhagen to discuss science and scientific practice.

Author Biography

Raimundo Henriques

graduated in Philosophy at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, in 2012. He concluded one year of graduate studies in Contemporary Philosophy in the E.N.S. and the E.H.E.S.S. (Paris) and is currently finishing his Master’s degree in Philosophy, in the University of Lisbon. His work focuses on the history of XXth century philosophy, philosophy of science and philosophy of language. Nevertheless, he is also interested in art and literature are



How to Cite

Henriques, Raimundo. 2016. “Copenhagen E O escrutínio Público Da Ciência”. Estrema: Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities 1 (6). Lisboa, Portugal.:21.


